Sabtu, Desember 27, 2008

Got Stuff?

Read Revelation 17:1 through 18:24

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the new technological gadgets that are available. Many people would have a hard time living without them in our fast-paced, high-pressure world. If kept in the proper perspective, these gadgets can improve our work efficiency and offer a little recreation to our busy lives.

However, we can easily lose sight of what truly is a necessity and what is simply a desire. For far too many, materialism has taken over; look at the increasing rise of bankruptcies, foreclosures, and credit card debt in our country. Money, greed, and grasping for more and more “things” become the driving force of life. In Revelation, Babylon represents the satanic world system in the last days, where materialism has gone mad (Revelation 18:11). In many ways, it parallels the day we are living in.

Is the focus of your life simply accumulating material things that satisfy only temporarily? Or do you long for the things of God—righteousness, peace and joy—things that don’t become old and outdated in a few days, but last for eternity?

Challenge for Today: Choose to focus on the eternal, rather than temporal things.

Quicklook:Revelation 18:9–20

Source: disini

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